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Sunday, November 22, 2009

"The Curse of the Emerald Buddha" - A Short Story

Once upon a time, a girl named Nicole traveled to Thailand. She had never traveled alone before, and never for so long. Thus she was very ignorant of many things. Many times over, she was made aware of this. On one such occasion she was touring the Grand Palace in Bangkok. The palace included many Buddhist shrines. She had learned enough at this point to know that her shoulders and ankles must be covered, and so she went to rent a sarong at the palace office. She met some friendly Spanish backpackers and decided to walk around with them. They viewed several shrines and commented on their loveliness. However, the naive girl was about to make a grave mistake. She and her companions entered the shrine of the Emerald Buddha. She bent down and crawled forward on her knees, taking care to sit with her feet pointing behind her, away from the Buddha (as is the custom). But then she picked up her camera... and snapped a photo! Someone near her simultaneously did the same, and received a thorough tongue-lashing from the guard. Nicole immediately put her camera away, realizing the impropriety. But she failed to delete the photograph. Then she made the worst mistake of all: she shrugged off the incident, and laughingly promised to email her new friends a copy of the photo! All agreed that this was a brilliant idea and left the palace to share a meal of delicious Thai food at a nearby cafe.
...Several days later, after arriving in New Delhi, this silly girl went to retrieve her camera in order to bring it with her on a visit to a monument. In a swiftness that could only have been preordained, the camera slipped from her hands, fulfilling its destiny by falling a mere foot and clattering to the floor. Upon examining the camera, she decided it must be fine- surely it had endured worse! She proceeded to her destination and spent several minutes admiring the beauty of the scenery. She then decided it was time for a photo. She pulled out her camera... and discovered the camera was broken! She sadly shook her head, knowing that she had only herself to blame.
...Years later (or so it seemed), she was able to send her camera to the gods of technology, who took pity on her and set their space-age robot servants (or so it seemed) to fix her camera. In the meantime, she had extracted the memory card and was able to upload the photos to a CD... all but one. She was tempted, but knew that she must delete the photo lest her karma catch up with her yet again. She had learned her lesson though, and so... she erased the photo.

Or did she?

1 comment:

  1. hehehe I like that it is in the 3rd person :P So this is what happened to ur camera!? Great story sis! You know...in Jerusalem everyone takes pics of Jesus' tomb and it makes me feel uncomfortable...ya know? I think it is cool that they don't allow pics. Miss ya!
